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Advanced Payments
Feature request
Completed September 15, 2021

The Advanced Payments feature will enable users to create more advanced payments to different users and addresses with multiple tokens, batch payments, split payments, staged payments and streaming payments.

  • Advanced PaymentsFor more complicated payments involving multiple recipients receiving a number of different tokens at different times.
  • Batch PaymentsUpload a CSV of tokens and recipients and send to all in a single Motion.
  • Split PaymentsDivide a pot of funds evenly or unevenly between a set of recipients.
  • Staged PaymentsA payment broken down into separate chunks which may be released in sequence or at achieved milestones. Useful for example to make partial payments upon delivery of agreed milestones.
  • Streaming PaymentsContinuously stream tokens on a per second basis from multiple teams to a single recipient. Streams can be for a set period of time or indefinite. Useful for things like salaries.
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